Corn Snacks Details

Cheese Balls (Hot & Spicy)15g, 40g, 125g (Family)
Cheese Balls (Regular)15g, 40g
Cheese Curls10g, 35g, 125g (Family)
Cheese Fries (Honey BBQ)35g, 125g (Family)
Cheese Pops12g
Chiefeez Cheese Sticks40g
Cinna Cone35g
Frisbeez (Pizza Flav)35g
Hero's Chicky Chips35g
Skoopeez Hot & Spicy15g
Under The C (Honey Mustard)85g
Under The C (Sour Cream & Onion)85g
Variety Packs35g
Waveez (Smokey BBQ)35g, 125g (Family)


Kids! Kids! Kids, here we are!

We can’t forget the way they always bring a smile to our faces. Keep them happy with our Chiefeez Snacks.