Place all meat into a bowl and season with the all-purpose seasoning, ensuring to rub it properly onto the surface areas of the beef.
Place a large pot over high heat and add the oil. Place in the cubed beef to brown for about 4 minutes to evenly develop colour on all sides.
Add the tomato paste, mix, and cook for additional 2 minutes until it becomes dark brown and sticks to the pot. Add water to cover the surface of the pot plus 50 percent more of that quantity.
Bring to a boil and simmer for 1 hour covered, until meat is tender while skimming to remove any meat debris from the top of the stock.
When meat is tender, add all other ingredients and mix to combine.
Increase heat to medium, bring to a boil, cover, and let simmer for 45 minutes.
Remove cover and let simmer for 15 minutes to allow sauce to thicken up and flavour to concentrate.
Taste and season with salt and black pepper if required.
Remove from stove and serve with, roti, roasted breadfruit, boiled cassava, or any provision of your choosing.